Sonoma County Office of Education

CISC Symposium Committee News Archive


Date: 01/28/2015
Author: Stacie

To keep our CISC symposium planning committee all on the same page, we want to alert you of some various location/timing changes that have occurred within the last week related to speaker sessions and the Exhibit and Imagination Space.

  • The Exhibit and Imagination Space will now be located in Royal A&B
  • Horacio Sanchez's presentations will now be located in Garden 4
  • Jim Knight and Russell Quaglia's presentations are now in Royal CDEF instead of Royal ABCDEF

A few other minor time changes occurred with some quick talks and other sessions - the most up-to-date session postings can be found on the CISC Symposium website on the Schedule/Session Description drop down page - click here to view this page, and then click the day to see the sessions for each day.

If you want to access the detailed schedule meant for coordinators ONLY, please click here. Please DO NOT SHARE the link to this document with general attendees!! This detailed schedule includes presenter liaison, room host liaison, and door monitor liaison assignments. You'll notice we still have liaison gaps, identified in blue. If you'd like to sign up for one of those empty spots, please email Stacie ( 

Thanks to all for the work you've done to support this event! We will send out additional reminders and info as needed over the next 12 days. 

Leilan, Student
"I like Amarosa because there's a much smaller student count and so teachers can be one-on-one with you. They can actually help you and be one-on-one with you while the class is doing something else. I feel like that's a huge game-changer." - Leilan, Student