ACTION NEEDED: Follow Up Items
Date: 11/19/2014
Author: Stacie
Following up on today's meeting, as soon as possible please:
- Review the possible sponsors list by clicking here and add any additional possibilities to the bottom and/or sign yourself up to contact a sponsor not already assigned to someone. You can share the sponsorship guide (click here to access sponsorship guide- also found on the CISC newspage on the right side) with any potential sponsors. Once you've made initial contact with a potential sponsor, please feel free to refer them to Dan Blake.
- Sign up for a registration booth staffing shift by clicking here and entering your name into any yellow box without a name.
- Order your committee vest by clicking here and entering in your information.
- Enter your on-site contact info for the event (cell phone, and best email to reach you at during the event) by clicking here.
- Market the event to your region to boost registration! Let colleagues in your region know that registration is now open to all with the new code, and the Wyndham has been lined up as an overflow hotel with additional possible overflow hotel blocks to be opened soon per demand.
Additional follow up items, such as the opening "What If" video instructions, will be sent out as they become available.