Sonoma County Office of Education

Curriculum Council News Archive

CSI/TSI & LCAP Workshops

Date: 02/07/2019

Dear Colleagues,

The state has released and continues to release information for the ESSA accountability requirements.  Initially, in our first LCAP workshop we discussed Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI), Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) and Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI).  At that time we were not clear what the delineation was in funding and in reporting requirements.  CDE clarified the below information for us today:

Question: Do districts receive funding for sites designated as CSI/TSI/ATSI or only CSI sites?  If it is only CSI, could you let me know why there isn't funding for TSI/ATSI?

Given the number of schools eligible for support, the SBE and Legislature prioritized the FY 2018 funding for schools that meet the criteria for CSI – not less than the lowest performing Title I schools and any public high schools graduating less than 67 percent of their students.

Question: Do districts designated as TSI/ATSI also have to complete the CSI section of the LCAP?

No. Only those LEAs with schools eligible for CSI must complete the CSI prompts in the LCAP Plan Summary.  There are still planning requirements for TSI/ATSI; more information is in the SPSA Template instructions.  

Upcoming LCAP Workshops (additional offerings)

If you were unable to attend the LCAP Workshop on January 25th, I strongly encourage you and your LCAP team (Sup, C&I, CBO) to attend on February 21st or February 27th.  During this time we will review the new ESSA updates, the changes to the LCAP Template (including the Budget Overview for Parents), and have an opportunity to share/brainstorm ideas with other districts.  Please bring one hard copy of your LCAP for each team member.


Thursday, April 4th we will be hosting a time for round table discussions for districts to review their LCAPs with CI Directors and District Colleagues, focusing on the four areas discussed in the LCAP Workshops.  More information to come.

Friday, May 10th & Tuesday, May 14th: SCOE is holding rooms for district LCAP teams to have a quiet space to continue working on their LCAPs.  CI Directors will be available to discuss any questions during this time.  We will also provide snacks and refreshments to fuel perseverance!  

Please reach out to your CI Director if you have any questions.  

All my best,
Rachael Maves
Senior Director - Continuous Improvement
Phone: 707-522-3332

Leilan, Student
"I like Amarosa because there's a much smaller student count and so teachers can be one-on-one with you. They can actually help you and be one-on-one with you while the class is doing something else. I feel like that's a huge game-changer." - Leilan, Student