Sonoma County Office of Education

Curriculum Council News Archive

Meeting next week - May 5th

Date: 04/27/2017
Author: Jennie Snyder

Just a reminder that our next Curriculum Council meeting is scheduled for Friday, May 5th at 9:15 am in Oak Room D & E. 
At this meeting, we will provide an opportunity for you to share your district's areas of focus for the next school year and connect with others. We also would like to get your feedback on ways that we might support your district's work moving forward. We'll also provide updates on professional learning opportunities for next year.
If there any questions or topics you'd like us to address, please let me know.


Looking forward to seeing you all next week.

Nicole Rosaschi, SCOE Administrative Operations Specialist, Human Resources
"I love that the people I work with are passionate about their work, passionate about our students getting the best possible education, and passionate about Sonoma County. " - Nicole Rosaschi, SCOE Administrative Operations Specialist, Human Resources