Appreciation From Mickey
Date: 06/02/2016
Author: Mickey Porter
Colleagues -
As I say at every Curriculum Council meeting, "you are my people" - those who have the teaching and learning in our county's classrooms as the main focus of their work . I wanted to reach out personally, and thank each one of you for what you've brought to our conversations and meetings together. I'm excited (and a tad nervous, of course!) to start a new adventure in my career. Starting August 1, 2016, I'll be offering consulting services for coaching, group and project facilitation, presentations, etc. I'm not leaving the area, so look forward to our paths continuing to connect. For those who are participating in the work next year with Michael Fullan and InnovateEd, I'll see you there! Dr. Herrington has asked that I continue to lead that work - so I'll be at the sessions providing the leadership for the Sonoma County lens on the work, along with the new SCOE Deputy Superintendent of Instructional Services.
You are an amazing group of professionals. I look forward to staying in touch, and hearing about the continued great work in the county!
With Appreciation -