Sonoma County Office of Education

Curriculum Council News Archive

Resources / Links from 9/4/15 Curriculum Council Meeting (Including SBAC Powerpoint Template and Educator Effectiveness Plan Template)

Date: 09/10/2015

As promised, here are some resources that were shared during the Curriculum Council meeting last week, as well as some feedback and information we need from districts:


SBAC Presentation

Thank you again to Rick Phelan, SCOE Director of Technology for Learning, for providing an update on all things SBAC! As a reminder, SCOE’s SBAC webpage has an incredible amount of resources and can be found at If you’re interested in accessing the notes document that Rick displayed during his presentation, the document can be found at There are multiple additional links within that document, including a PowerPoint template with county results.

Educator Effectiveness Funding Template

Thank you again to Sarah Lundy, SCOE Director of Teacher Development, and Anna Moore, SCOE Regional Director, for their work on creating a SCOE template that can be used to track the use of Educator Effectiveness funding. SCOE’s Educator Effective Funding tracking template is available for download using the below link. Download instructions for the document are also found below.

  • Educator Effectiveness Funding - To download, click the download button at the top center (between the print button and share button) within the Google Docs viewing screen (not your web browser's file option). This will download the file in Word format and provide you will full editing capabilities.


Curriculum in Use - District Data Entry Needed!

As discussed at the Curriculum Council meeting, some districts have suggested that it would be helpful to know what curriculum is adopted at what sites. In order to collect this information, we are asking that a district representative from each district enter in their ELA and Math curriculum using the below data entry sheets. As districts enter in their information, these files will become a useful resource for every district and we hope that the information shared will facilitate connections between districts using the same curriculum. Please enter your district’s data as soon as possible, and preferably by October 2nd so that we can share this information at the next Curriculum Council meeting!

  • Input your district’s ELA curriculum information here: ELA
  • Input your district’s Math curriculum information here: Math


eduIMPACT Feedback Requested

SCOE’s ESS department would like to collect feedback on the 2015 eduIMPACT event ( from all districts, including those who didn’t send any participants. We’d appreciate if you could take a few minutes to complete a short, four-question survey to help us gather information and consider the future direction of the event.


LCAP Needs Assessment Survey

As we begin planning for our three 2015-16 LCAP assistance meetings, we would like your input on what LCAP topics are of most interest to you and your district team. Please take a minute to participate in a brief, three question survey to provide your input.


NGSS Presentation

Thank you again to Anna Van Dordrecht, SCOE Science Teacher-on-Loan from Santa Rosa City Schools, for providing her short presentation on “What Does a NGSS Classroom Look Like/Feel Like/Sound Like?”. If you’re interested in using this presentation at your site, copies of the presentation and environment cards can be found using the below links. We ask that you download the file copies instead of trying to edit them within Google Docs, as once you edit, anyone who tries to access the link we shared will see your personal edits. Download instructions for each document are found below.

  • Presentation - To download, go to "File" within the Google Docs viewing screen (not your web browser's file option), select "Download As", and select "Microsoft PowerPoint". This will download it in PowerPoint format and provide you will full editing capabilities.
  • Environment Cards - To download, go to "File" within the Google Docs viewing screen (not your web browser's file option), select "Download As", and select "Microsoft Word". This will download the file in Word format and provide you will full editing capabilities.


All Items

You can also refer to the agenda from the 9/4/15 meeting (found by clicking here) to access links per topic area.



Susie Truelove, SCOE HR Analyst
"Everyone at SCOE has the focus that what we do is to support students, directly or indirectly." - Susie Truelove, SCOE HR Analyst