Sonoma County Office of Education

Curriculum Council News Archive

What to Do About SBAC Results...

Date: 07/10/2015
Author: Mickey Porter

Below is a message that was sent to districts in early July, encouraging that districts not release the preliminary SBAC results that they may have.

Please know that we are prepared to assist you in the understanding of the final results and will have suggestions for how to use the data with your staffs and parents. Please contact Rick Phelan ( if you are interested in this assistance in your district.

We also have a training prepared for August 25th on this topic, and encourage you to register and attend. Click here for more information.

Please also remember the outstanding resource on the SCOE Website regarding SBAC. There are links to new videos on how to share the results with parents there, as well as other great information.


Message from CDE:

Dear LEA CAASPP Coordinators:
California’s Release Plan of CAASPP Summary Results
Idaho released the preliminary results of the 2014–15 Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments administered in Idaho. Please note that other states may also release preliminary 2014–15 Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments administered in their states. Consequently, we thought it would be a good time to remind local educational agencies (LEAs) of the California Department of Education’s release plan. The CDE plans to publicly release statewide results in mid- to late August because final results of the Mathematics and English Language Arts/Literacy assessments that were administered as part of the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System will not be ready until then. We believe releasing preliminary results would confuse and possibly mislead the public.
We recommend LEAs avoid releasing their results until the CDE releases statewide results. Releasing results together will provide members of the public with the context they need to understand this new era of testing. We plan to update LEAs about our release plans as they become final and look forward to working closely with LEAs.
If you have questions on this topic, please contact the CAASPP Office by e-mail at

Leilan, Student
"I like Amarosa because there's a much smaller student count and so teachers can be one-on-one with you. They can actually help you and be one-on-one with you while the class is doing something else. I feel like that's a huge game-changer." - Leilan, Student