Important Attendance Reporting Information that Will Impact Your District's AYP
Date: 06/24/2015
Author: Mickey Porter
Attached is a letter from CDE that you should have received explaining the critical importance of accurate attendance submission. Please note from the letter:
The CDE will be collecting attendance data for all public schools with students enrolled in Transitional Kindergarten through grade eight (TK–8). If attendance data are not reported or available for a school with TK–8 enrollment, that school will not meet the attendance rate criteria and will not make AYP. As a result, the school may be identified for or advance in Program Improvement (PI), see page 3 of this letter for more information.
The deadline on this is Friday July 10th (editorial comment: classic CDE that it's right when most folks are starting a summer break...end of editorial!)
SCOE is very committed to helping as we can. Please contact Robin Horwinski SCOE IT 524-2808/ for assistance. She has created a template that is attached to assist in your reporting. As per the instructions from CDE, you need to save the completed spreadsheet as a Textfile prior to submission to CDE. You should have also received a second email from CDE with the password for you to access the portal to upload your data.