Sonoma County Office of Education

Curriculum Council News Archive

Meeting on November 7, 2014

Date: 11/03/2014
Author: Mickey Porter

Curriculum Council Members and Sonoma County BrightBytes Partner District:

As a part of the agreement of participation in the BrightBytes initiative, we are excited to have staff from BrightBytes with us this Friday, November 7th at 9:00 - 9:45 in the Gravenstein Room. This is when Curriculum Council would usually start - since it is many of the same people, and the information from BrightBytes would be important for all of Curriculum Council to hear, we are hosting this meeting at this time. Curriculum Council will continue with the regular agenda at 9:45. The BrightBytes staff will review how to access your district's information, and also share with us some information on county-wide trends and results from the data.


It is also time to discuss next steps regarding contracting for services for the next phase, and due to limited participation by partner districts, we need to re-visit the concept of a county-wide, subsidized rate. Your attendance at this training will really give you some great information on how you could be using the data, and thereby inform whether or not continuing with BB makes sense for you.


Please set aside the time to come to this important meeting, and bring staff who are responsible for the implementation and use of the BB data so they can learn more about how to use the data to inform instruction. Please email Tara  by Wed. November 5 ( to confirm that your district will be represented at this important meeting.

Please click here for the Curriculum Council agenda.


We look forward to learning together November 7! See you then. Contact us (Matt O'Donnell is your contact for BrightBytes in our office) with any questions or input.


Mickey ( and Matt (

Amie Carter, Sonoma County Superintendent
"The mission of the Sonoma County Office of Education is to foster student success through service to schools, students, and the community." - Amie Carter, Sonoma County Superintendent