Updates for the Week of February 22, 2021
Date: 02/22/2021
Author: Belinda Soto
Dear colleagues,
I hope you had a wonderful weekend and look forward to seeing you tomorrow. The agenda has been updated to include the following information for tomorrow's meeting:
C&I Updates
Vaccination Plans and COVID-19 Updates
Jeff Harding
caseyjdangelo@gmail.com to volunteer
Discuss “Stable Cohorts”
Bridging the gap between distance and in-person learning (SCOE Learning Bulletin, February 18, 2021)
UCSF Cellular Construction Workshop (Summer Opportunity for High School Science Teachers)
CALPADS: Fall 2 certification March 5th (no amendment window). Flash 201 and implications for CalSAAS.
Gather feedback: effective instruction in a hybrid model