Sonoma County Office of Education

Curriculum Council News Archive

Updates for the Week of September 21, 2020

Date: 09/21/2020
Author: Belinda Soto

ELPAC Remote Testing Meet-Up 

The ESS Department is hosting a ELPAC remote testing meet-up on Wednesday, September 30th 9:00am-10:00am:

  • Join colleagues for a time to check-in on remote testing, share ideas, troubleshoot, and brainstorm

  • No registration required

Meeting ID: 942 8367 0065

One tap mobile

1 669 900 6833

Please forward this information within your district as appropriate.

Susie Truelove, SCOE HR Analyst
"Everyone at SCOE has the focus that what we do is to support students, directly or indirectly." - Susie Truelove, SCOE HR Analyst