Updates for the Week of September 21, 2020
Date: 09/21/2020
Author: Belinda Soto
C&I Updates
Responses to testing and contact tracing questions (from 9/15 meeting)
Updating/sharing district reopening plans (tab added on shared spreadsheet)
VIDEO: Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Information for Educators in Distance Learning (SCOE, So. Co. Human Services Dept., Family Justice Center) (DB)
Legal and statutory protections for schools engaging in equity/social justice work (DB)
Teacher Meetups by Grade Level Bands starting today: (9/22, 10/6 & 10/20)
Two more weeks of DISRUPT Encore Wednesday PD sessions for distance learning
REMINDER: September 22nd Tuesday’s @ 2: Budget Overview for Parents
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/
83829227304 -
Passcode: 188159
Conversations in Common: A Collaborative Diversity and Inclusion Reading Project for Sonoma County Schools (Matthew Morgan & Renee Semik)