Updates for the Week of August 17, 2020
Date: 08/17/2020
Author: Belinda Soto
- C&I Network: Zoom link - Starts at 8:30 am
Shauna Hamilton, Program Coordinator, School-Based Mental Health Support (SCOE), and Ryan Pepin (SCOE) will provide information on Social-Emotional Well-being/Mental Health support for students and staff
We will gather your feedback on the type and structure of support for Learning Continuity & Attendance Plan will be most useful.
C&I Updates
Sonoma County Parent Forum - September 24th
Date: Monday, Aug. 24
Time: 5:30 - 6:30pm
Zoom Registration: bit.ly/ParentSupportSCOE
TNTP Learning Acceleration Series - Registration Information
CDE Webinar - Slide Deck - August 13, 2020 - Recording
Schoolwise Attendance and Attendance for Admin
CDE Sample Letters:
Initial Identification English Learner Parent Notification During Distance Learning (at the bottom).
Annual notification letters should use the most recent ELPAC scores.
ELPAC Initial and Optional Summative: in-person testing administration guidance. Remote testing guidance coming out (hopefully) this week.
Save the Date: EL Information Meeting on August 31 from 3:30-4:30