LCAP Metric Resources
The LCAP requires districts to describe specific annual goals, then note actual progress toward those goals in annual updates. Progress must be based on identified metrics, which may be quantitative or qualitative. The state has also specified required elements for measuring progress within the eight priority areas.
The eight priority areas are listed below along with links to data sources for the varied metrics within each area.
1 | Basic Services
Rate of teacher misassignments
Student access to standards-aligned instructional materials
Facilities in good repair
- District Williams Reports
2 | CCSS Implementation
Implementation of CCSS for all students, including ELs
- Possible data sources include excerpted information from LEA and site CCSS implementation plans and teacher participation in CCSS training
3 | Parental Involvement
Efforts to seek parent input
- Possible data sources include district and school surveys related to WASC and Single Plan Student Achievement, DLAC/ELAC
Promotion of parent participation
- Possible data sources include parent involvement in district/school activities (e.g., committees, student clubs, after school enrichment, fundraisers, carnivals, promotion activities, PTO membership)
4 | Student Achievement
Performance on standardized tests
Share of students that are college- and career-ready
Share of ELs that become English proficient
EL reclassification rate
Share of students that pass AP exams with 3 or higher
Share of students determined to be prepared for college by the EAP
5 | Student Engagement
School attendance rates
Chronic absenteeism rates
Middle school dropout rates
- Districts and schools can use their student information systems to find information for these areas (e.g., Aeries, Illuminate, School Wise, Power School)
High school dropout rates
High school graduation rates
- Graduation and Dropout Rates
- Districts and schools can use their student information systems to find information for these areas (e.g., Aeries, Illuminate, School Wise, Power School)
6 | School Climate
Student suspension rates
Student expulsion rates
California Healthy Kids Survey Results
Other local measures
- Possible data sources include such sources as LEA plans, School Site Council activities, and English Learner Advisory Council materials
7 | Course Access
Student access and enrollment in all required areas of study
- Possible data sources include student information systems (e.g., Aeries, Illuminate, School Wise, Power School)
8 | Other Student Outcomes
Local Indicator Reflection Tools
Local Indicators 2 & 3 - District Self-Reflection Tools
Other indicators of student performance in required areas of study
- Possible data sources include 1) National Merit Scholars, California Scholarship Federation members, Doyle Scholarship awards, etc., 2) Career Technical Education enrollment, 3) concurrent community college class enrollments, 4) participation in county or statewide academic events or challenges