Multilingual Learner

Updates and Announcements

" /> Sonoma County Office of Education

Multilingual Learner

Updates and Announcements

Sign up to receive the "Multilingual Learner Updates and Announcements."
This does not register you for any in person meetings.

By signing up you will receive periodic updates, announcements, and resources pertaining to Multilingual learners and their families.


If you are interested in attending Multilingual Learner Collaborative meetings at SCOE, a separate registration is required for each session. Please see the links below to register for each date.

9/13/24, 12/12/24, 3/13/25, 5/22/25



When 24/25 School Year
7/1/24 - 6/30/25
Presenter Jenn Guerrero, Multilingual Learner Specialist
Cost Free
Audience EL Specialists, Teachers of English Learners, Principals, District Administrators
Registration closes 06/30/2025
Registration Danielle Brusnahan, (707) 524-2823,
Questions Jenn Guerrero, (707) 524-2852,

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