Sonoma County Office of Education

Diving Deeper into the Science of Reading

Teaching children how to read is a highly complex and sophisticated endeavor. How can we refine our literacy instruction to ensure that all students are able to become readers? Join fellow educators in a year-long learning community to examine, implement, and reflect on high-leverage instructional strategies in the reading classroom. This series is designed for educators who participated in the 2022-23 Science of Reading Series, or for educators who have background knowledge in the science of reading. For those looking for an introductory series, see SCOE’s Introduction to the Science of Reading class offerings for TK-3 and 4-12.

Because these sessions are offered in the afternoon, please be sure to bring any snacks or food that will help you fully engage in the learning. Tea and water will be provided.

When Thursdays: Sept 21, Nov 30, Feb 1, Mar 7
4:15pm - 5:45pm
Location Sonoma County Office of Education, Redwood Rooms A-C
5340 Skylane Boulevard, Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Presenter Lauren Ridgway | Language and Literacy Coordinator
Cost Free
Audience TK-3 Educators (background knowledge in the Science of Reading required)
Registration closes 09/20/2023
Registration Danielle Brusnahan, (707) 524-2823,
Questions Lauren Ridgway, (707) 524-2672,

Online Registration is not available.