Administrator Induction Program New Candidate Orientation 2023
The target audience for this orientation is administrators who hold a Preliminary Administrator Services Credential and are registered to participate in year 1 of the SCOE Administrator Induction Program. Attendance at one of the orientations is a requirement for administrators. It is optional for mentors to attend.
Participants will learn about using Canvas, the online learning system utilized for building their professional portfolio and collecting evidence to demonstrate completion of program requirements. Program requirements will be reviewed and time will be allowed for Q & A.
The orientation is a great opportunity to meet others who are also clearing their administrator credential.
Please choose a session to attend from the options below.
When | Various Dates varies - varies |
Location |
Sonoma County Office of Education (SCOE)
5340 Skylane Boulevard Santa Rosa, CA 95403 |
Presenter | Dr. Rani Goyal |
Cost | Free |
Audience | AIP Cohort 9, Year 1 |
Registration closes | 09/30/2023 |
Registration | NCSOE Staff, (707) 524-2818, |
Questions |
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