Sonoma County Office of Education

Understanding and Supporting Child and Adolescent Grief

Often, experienced and developing clinicians find that supporting someone who is grieving can be overwhelming, confusing, and anxiety provoking. This course aims to make assessing, treating, and talking about grief understandable and reduce anxiety about difficult conversations. This course provides a fundamental overview of understanding grief in children and adolescents. Additionally, this course will provide concrete examples of techniques and tools that can be used for individual and group support in school-based settings. Finally, this course aims to support the clinician to feel more competent and comfortable with supporting others in grief and avoiding compassion fatigue.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify the components of grief in childhood and adolescence through models of grief, developmental responses, and navigating difficult discussions about death.
  2. Design developmentally appropriate treatment planning through education, techniques, activities, and groups.
  3. Identify at least four interventions for use in treatment of grieving children and adolescents in group or individual format.

When May 12, 2023
9:00am - 11:00am
Location Sonoma County Office of Education (SCOE)
5340 Skylane Boulevard Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Presenter Ashlee Cabral, LMFT has been supporting grieving individuals, communities, and groups of all ages for eight and a half years. Her specialties include traumatic grief, complicated or prolonged grief, and children and adolescent grief, and she is passionate about providing education to the community about grief. Ashlee operates a private practice based in Santa Rosa, CA, offering in-person and virtual support and has previous experience as a hospice grief counselor and bereavement program coordinator.
Cost Free
Audience School-based counselors, mental health clinicians, and school psychologists
Registration closes 05/05/2023
Registration Arissa Hieter, 707-522-3147,
Questions Rebekah Pope, (707) 595-0205,

Online Registration is not available.