Sonoma County Office of Education

English-Language Arts & Literacy

English-Language Arts & Literacy

Common Core Standards for English-Language Arts & Literacy in
History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects

A: Research Supporting Key Elements of the Standards, Glossary (pdf)
B: Text Exemplars and Sample Performance Tasks (pdf)
C: Samples of Student Writing (pdf)

Essential Documents
4Cs (pdf) | Partnership for 21st Century Skills
Career & College Readiness Standards (pdf) | Sacramento COE
Common Core Shifts in ELA (pdf) | SCOE
ELA/ELD Framework Chapters | CDE
Habits of Mind for ELA (pdf) | Orange COE

Alignment Projects
Anthology Alignment Project (AAP)
Basal Alignment Project (BAP)
Read-Aloud Alignment Project (RAP)

Professional Texts

Pedagogy and the CCSS | Aspen Institute
Six Insights about the CCSS | Educational Leadership

Close Reading Primer | Aspen Institute
Text Complexity: 7 Actions You Can Take Right Now | Hiebert
What Happens to the Basics? | Hiebert and Pearson

Speaking and Listening
Collaborative Conversation (pdf) | Fisher and Frey

Tools for Application

Guide to Creating Text-Dependent Questions | Achieve the Core
Progression of Text-Dependent Questions (pdf) | SCOE
Suggested Annotation Procedures (pdf) | SCOE
Text Genres Grades 6-12 (pdf) | Sullivan County BOCES

Speaking and Listening
Collaborative Conversation, Student Note Template (pdf) | SCOE

Integrating Curriculum
Most Common Academic Prefixes and Suffixes (pdf) | Scholastic Teacher
SBAC Scoring Guides | SBAC
What Is Disciplinary Literacy and Why Does it Matter? (pdf) | Shanahan

Web Tools for Educators | SCOE


  • Kelly Matteri, Program Coordinator - Universal Design for Learning (UDL) & Instructional Equity
    (707) 524-2928,
  • Jessica Progulske, Director, Data and Engagement
    (707) 524-2836,


Questions may be directed to:

  • Jessica Progulske, Director, Data and Engagement
    (707) 524-2836,
  • Kelly Matteri, Program Coordinator - Universal Design for Learning (UDL) & Instructional Equity
    (707) 524-2928,
Nicole Rosaschi, SCOE Administrative Operations Specialist, Human Resources
"I love that the people I work with are passionate about their work, passionate about our students getting the best possible education, and passionate about Sonoma County. " - Nicole Rosaschi, SCOE Administrative Operations Specialist, Human Resources