Sonoma County Office of Education

Resources for Administrators

Resources for Administrators

CCSS and Special Education
Access for All, by Margaret McLaughlin (pdf)
Special Edge: CCSS–Promise and Peril for Students with Disabilities (pdf)

Communicating about CCSS
CCSS Order Form for printed copies of the standards (pdf)
Explaining Common Core to Californians: Communications Toolkit
FAQ from the Common Core State Standards Initiative
Introduction to CCSS-English Language Arts (ppt)
Higher Mathematics, Traditional vs. Integrated (doc)
Overview for School Boards (ppt)

English Language Arts & Literacy
Basal Alignment Project
CCSS for English/Language Arts & Literacy (pdf)
Appendix A (pdf)
Appendix B (pdf)
Appendix C (pdf)
ELA/ELD Framework Chapters
Rubric for ELA/Literacy Lessons and Units, K-2 (pdf)
Rubric for ELA/Literacy Lessons and Units, 3-12 (pdf)

General Information
Common Core Standards ELA Overview, from Learning Unlimited (pdf)
Shifts in Practice and “Habits of Mind” (pdf)
Webb’s Depth of Knowledge Guide (pdf)

CCSS for Mathematics (pdf)
Appendix A (pdf)
MARS Tasks by Grade Level & Other Teacher Resources
Mathematics Framework Chapters
Mathematics Standards Maps for Higher Mathematics
Progressions for CCSS Mathematics (pdf)

Mathematics Toolkit
Math Curriculum Evaluation Toolkit (pdf)

Parent Communication
Do you want this to be said of your child? (pdf)
Parent Handbook (doc)
Parent Roadmaps, English Language Arts
Parent Roadmaps, Mathematics
Parent’s Backpack Guide to CCSS (doc)

Materials in Spanish, from CISC
Common Core FAQ (pdf)
Common Core Overview, Two-Page Flier (pdf)
Common Core Overview, PowerPoint Presentation (ppt)

Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)

Resources for Implementation
CCSS Implementation Guide, from Achieve (pdf)
Common Core Implementation Strategies, from CISC (doc)
Fillable PDF of Needs Assessment Chart (pdf)
Green Flags/Red Flags for Implementation, ELA (doc)
Green Flags/Red Flags for Implementation, Math (doc)
Leadership Planning Guide, from CCSESA (pdf)
Local CCSS Systems Implementation Plan Template, from CDE (doc)
Raising the Bar: Implementing CCSS for Latino Student Success (pdf)
Three-Year Implementation Plan for Math–Template (doc)
Three-Year Implementation Plan for Math–Sample (doc)

Implementation Action Guides, from Achieve
Role of the Elementary School Leader (pdf)
Role of the School Counselor (pdf)
Role of the Secondary School Leader (pdf)

Instructional Practice Guides, from Achieve the Core
K-2 ELA/Literacy (pdf)
Grades 3-5 ELA/Literacy (pdf)
Grades 6-12 ELA/Literacy (pdf)
K-8 Math (pdf)
High School Math (pdf)

Unit/Lesson Planning
Anchor Standards and the 4Cs (doc)
Common Core & Arts Integration
Instructional Design Planner (doc)
Reflecting on the Instructional Plan (doc)
Rubric for ELA/Literacy Lessons and Units, K-2 (pdf)
Rubric for ELA/Literacy Lessons and Units, 3-12 (pdf)
Rubric for Mathematics Lessons and Units (pdf)

Susie Truelove, SCOE HR Analyst
"Everyone at SCOE has the focus that what we do is to support students, directly or indirectly." - Susie Truelove, SCOE HR Analyst