SCOE Bulletin
The SCOE Bulletin is published two to three times per year and distributed to teachers and administrators throughout Sonoma County. Two recent issues have received Awards of Excellence from the California School Public Relations Association.
2018-19 Publications

Safe Schools, Thriving Students | October 2018 This SCOE Bulletin is full of tips from local schools paving the way in school safety as well as valued community partners including: the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office, School & College Legal Services, Redwood Empire School Insurance Group, and Partnership for Children & Youth.
2017-18 Publications

Lowering Classroom Walls | May 2018 Student engagement is now one of the key measures of school success under the California School Dashboard. A proven way to increase student engagement is through relevance—connecting what students are learning in school to their lives outside of school and plans for the future. This SCOE Bulletin highlights tips, tools, and best practices from local educators for building relevance in and out of the classroom.

Growing Through Adversity | February 2018 In this SCOE Bulletin, we look back at how the educational community came together to help students and schools during the North Bay firestorm. Read on for stories celebrating the courage and dedication of school staff; advice on healing from tragedy given by an expert in school crisis; and links to helpful videos and resources.
2016-17 Publications

California School Dashboard | May 2017 In this SCOE Bulletin, key features of California's new web-based school accountability system—the California School Dashboard—are explained in easy-to-understand ways so that educators can use this tool to improve student learning. As well, local educational leaders weigh in on how they have been using the dashboard in their schools and districts.

Trauma-Informed Teaching: Knowing Our Students' Stories and Fostering Resilience | January 2017 In this SCOE Bulletin, local educational leaders and community experts weigh in on trauma-informed care, providing information on how teachers, after-care providers, and other caregivers can be better prepared to deal with negative behavior and improve outcomes for their neediest children .

Digital Citizenship: Fostering positive online behavior | October 2016 Increasingly, schools are being called on to foster digital citizenship in their students. This broad term generally refers to the behaviors, choices, and ethics a person applies when using technology. While it's rare for students NOT to use technology in the classroom these days, they're not always taught the safest or most responsible ways to use that technology. This month's Bulletin provides detailed information on how to incorporate this important subject across grade levels.
2015-16 Publications
The Changing Needs of Sonoma County Students | April 2016 In a historic shift in focus, California's Local Control Funding Formula calls for schools to develop programs that specifically help three key student groups: English learners, foster youth, and low income students. This award-winning edition of the SCOE Bulletin takes a look at these key student groups and provides insight on how educators can best serve them.

Equity in Our Schools | February 2016 The February edition of the SCOE Bulletin explores the timely concept of equity in education. Learn how the LCAP calls for equity of instruction, read examples of concrete steps Sonoma County school districts are taking to make this happen, and read about a new approach to community-building and discipline that many educators are embracing: Restorative Practices.

Test Scores & Beyond | October 2015 The results of the first Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium tests are in, leaving many parents and educators anxious about how to interpret the results and utilize them to improve student learning. SCOE's October Bulletin tackles many of those questions and concerns, providing in-depth information about how to interpret scores and communicate about them to parents.
2014-15 Publications

CTE for the 21st Century | April 2015 This issue of the SCOE Bulletin looks at how Career Technical Education (CTE) is changing. Integrated programs, added rigor, and new grant support are creating a framework for the future.

Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) | Jan 2015 Begin exploring the NGSS in this issue of the SCOE Bulletin. Find out how Sonoma County is preparing for NGSS implementation and learn how two teams of teachers are helping lead the way.
Bulletin Archives
Earlier issues of this publication can be found in this archive.