Sonoma County Office of Education

Blog: Technology for Learners

This blog focuses on the effective integration of technology in K-12 schools with special emphasis on Sonoma County. It offers ideas and resources to support purposeful use of technology in relation to the Common Core Standards and 21st century learning.

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Preparing for the SBAC: Understanding Performance Tasks
Performance tasks are a new area of assessment to many. They are designed to help teachers, administrators, students, and parents understand how each student is integrating knowledge and skills across multiple content standards. This spring’s Smarter Balanced Field Tests will include performance tasks for grades 3-11. Read More...

New Year Reflections: Awareness to Implementation
As teachers, we can develop awareness about new ideas, but that awareness is similar to my elementary school basketball team’s concept of Nike Air basketball shoes—nice to have, but action and implementation work is necessary. One approach to activating awareness is to concentrate on students, asking the question, “How can I apply these ideas to best serve the needs of my students?” Read More...

Hour of Code: Sonoma County Kindergarten Teacher Advances the Value of Coding
Prestwood KindergartenersThe Hour of Code is an opportunity for every student to try computer science for one hour, anywhere across the globe. It aims to increase interest in computer science through tutorials, learning environments, and curriculum. Kristi Draluck, a kindergarten teacher at Prestwood Elementary School, has been doing Hour of Code activities with her students for the past two years. Read More...

Petaluma’s 6th Grade Academy, a 1:1 Pioneer
Petaluma’s 6th Grade Academy began its third year as a one-to-one school in August 2013, implementing a program that provides leased iPads to all students. It was launched because the district wanted to offer students a “technology option” among their schools. The charter school has been a popular choice for sixth-graders in Petaluma and has had a waiting list for enrollment each year. Read More...

Preparing for the Smarter Balanced Field Tests
Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) Field Tests will be administered this Spring in all California public schools. Preparation is key to successful district implementation. Districts should review areas of readiness and begin preparations as soon as possible. This blog post reviews information as of November 18, 2013, and sets out areas for district planning. Read More...

Creating a New Generation of Innovators: FIRST Robotics Program founded by Dean Kamen
RobotSonoma County is set to host a FIRST Lego League (FLL) competition on Sunday, November 24, at Piner High School. This is the first time a FIRST Lego League competition for grade 4-8 students has been held in Sonoma County. Entrepreneur Dean Kamen founded first and recently shared his views on innovation in a radio interview. Read More...

Nine local districts use Illuminate to guide CCSS transition
Illuminate EducationSonoma County’s districts are working to implement the Common Core State Standards in different ways. Nine districts are using a data and assessment tool called Illuminate Education to guide elements of their work. These districts are using Illuminate to quickly access student information reports, analyze trends, and use formative feedback mid-lesson to guide next steps. Read More...

iOS 7 Tips and Tricks
The iPad, iTouch, and iPhone have a new operating system available through iOS7 – and the new system adds capabilities to these devices. This post summarizes some of the new features and offers ideas on how to make use of the upgraded operating system. Read More...

2014 Sonoma County Robotics Challenge
Robotics ChallengeSCOE has workshops scheduled for November and December to prepare schools for the 2014 Sonoma County Robotics Challenge. This successful project engages grade 4-8 students in hands-on math and science learning. Find out how your students can be among the hundreds that participate each year. Read More...

AB 484 Advances use of Technology in K-12 Schools
Signed into law on October 2, Assembly Bill 484 establishes the California Measurement of Academic Performance and Progress (CalMAPP). The assessments that are part of CalMAPP will foster greater use of technology for measuring and supporting efforts related to the Common Core State Standards. Read More...

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Susie Truelove, SCOE HR Analyst
"Everyone at SCOE has the focus that what we do is to support students, directly or indirectly." - Susie Truelove, SCOE HR Analyst