Sonoma County Office of Education

Blog: Technology for Learners

This blog focuses on the effective integration of technology in K-12 schools with special emphasis on Sonoma County. It offers ideas and resources to support purposeful use of technology in relation to the Common Core Standards and 21st century learning.

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Technology Purchase Tips: Total Cost of Ownership
Tablet with Dollar Sign Technology can have hidden costs. Some expenses present themselves immediately, while others aren’t revealed for some time. Thinking about technology expenses over the life of a product is known as the “total cost of ownership.” Some points to consider when thinking about total cost of ownership for school technology are offered in this post. Read More...

Transition to SBAC: Checklist for School Leaders
California will move to a new statewide assessment system in the 2014-15 school year. The new assessments will focus on the Common Core State Standards and be administered through a computerized testing system being developed by the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC). This blog post highlights five areas that are essential starting points for school districts preparing for the shift. Read More...

Horizon Project: Trends in Technology for K-12 Education
NMC Horizon Report, 2013Where is technology going in the next five years? School planning teams would do well to have a long-term plan for technology that guides progress over a three- to five-year period. Because of the constant changes happening in technology, those plans should take national and worldwide trends in educational technology into account as they focus on local needs. The Horizon Report is a resource that can help schools with the development of forward-looking technology plans. Read More...

Digital Learning Resources: Materials for K-12 Classrooms
Digital learning resources can help teachers meet the instructional goals contained in the new Common Core Standards and fill the gaps that outdated textbooks and reading materials have left in Sonoma County classrooms. Here are three great starting points for finding digital learning resources for your classroom. Read More...

Innovative Partnership: Napa Learns
Napa Learns is a community foundation that is partnering with schools. Its mission is to encourage the success of every Napa County student by providing resources, funding, and support to help educators adopt new teaching methods focused on the demands of the future. I recently attended a Napa Learns meeting to get a better understanding of how this organization operates in partnership with schools to support 21st century learning initiatives. Read More...

Virtual Learning Spaces: Moodle
Moodle LogoMoodle is a learning management system (LMS) that’s being used to manage virtual courses in K-12 schools and colleges. Moodle is also a verb that describes the process of “lazily meandering through something, doing things as it occurs to you to do them, an enjoyable tinkering that often leads to insight and creativity.” Learn what’s possible with Moodle and how Sonoma County teachers are using it to blend learning. Read More...

Smarter Balanced Practice Tests: Leaping In!
California’s high-stakes testing will change in the 2014-15 school year. This spring, a number of Sonoma County schools participated in the scientific pilot of the new tests being developed by the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC). I took time to visit with some of the educators who took part in this pilot. Here are some of the reflections these teachers and administrators shared with me. Read More...

Schools Receive Academic Progress Rankings
NewsFifty-three percent of Sonoma County schools are now in the top half of the state’s similar school ranking system according to the testing data released on May 24 by CDE. Find out your school’s rank and get a listing of the similar school rank for all Sonoma County schools. Read More...

Success for All Students: Assistive Technology
Much dialog has been devoted to education ‘shifts’ related to Common Core instruction and 21st century learning. Some of the basis for these shifts can be seen in discussions about multiple intelligences and differentiation. Looking at the mechanics of instruction, we recognize that pedagogical changes to encourage personalized learning are in order. Educators will find some solutions for students who learn differently with assistive technology. Read More...

iPads in the Classroom: Finding Excellent Learning Apps
iPad AppsiPads can be powerful learning tools when they are paired with excellent apps. Tech-savvy teachers actively search out apps to support student learning. With over 300,000 apps to choose from, a common question is, “How do you find excellent apps for the classroom?” This post offers suggestions for finding and evaluating iPad apps. Read More...

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Amie Carter, Sonoma County Superintendent
"The mission of the Sonoma County Office of Education is to foster student success through service to schools, students, and the community." - Amie Carter, Sonoma County Superintendent