Sonoma County Office of Education

Blog: Technology for Learners: New Webinars on Digital Literacy Essentials

New Webinars on Digital Literacy Essentials

Author: Rick Phelan
Published: 04.12.13

WebinarWebinars can be an effective way to bring people together on relevant topics. Those involved in a webinar don’t have to travel much further than their school or home to participate. Any quiet room with an Internet connection and a computer or tablet will do. Webinar technologies can afford group interaction through voice, polling, writing, and presentation sharing. I get the most from webinars when they’re offered in short time blocks, say 30-90 minutes long. For those educators who have multiple duties and responsibilities, webinars can be especially useful because they allow for networking and professional development without car travel.

Digital Literacy Essentials is a new series of 40-minute webinars for superintendents, principals, and teachers that have been designed and organized by the California Department of Education in conjunction with the California School Libraries Association and California Technology Project. Led by different experts every Thursday from 3:30 to 4:10pm, one or more of these sessions may be relevant to you and your work.

April 25 | California’s Education Vision
State Superintendent’s Office
Craig Cheslog, Chief Advisor to the State Superintendent

May 2 | Privacy Protection
State Attorney General’s Office
Joanne McNabb, Education and Outreach

May 9 | College Readiness
California Higher Education
Annette Marines, Instructional Librarian, UCSB
Christina Cicchetti, Education Specialist, UCR
Lesley Farmer, Media Leadership, CSULB

May 16 | Digital Citizens
Governor’s Digital Literacy Executive Order
California Technology Agency
Brenda Kempster, iCalifornia

May 23 | Curriculum and Assessment
Common Core and Digital Literacy
Tom Adams, CDE Director of Curriculum

May 30 | Intellectual Property and Copyright
Communication and Creative Industries
Jill Lesser, Executive Director, Center for Copyright Information

June 6 | Best Practices Around California
County Offices of Education
Elementary, Middle, and High School
Dennis Deets, CTAP Director
Glen Warren, CSLA Vice President

June 13 | Digital Citizens and Bullying Prevention
California State Parent Teacher Association
Brian Bonner, VP of Parent Involvement

Register for these webinars at

Blog: Technology for Learners

Leilan, Student
"I like Amarosa because there's a much smaller student count and so teachers can be one-on-one with you. They can actually help you and be one-on-one with you while the class is doing something else. I feel like that's a huge game-changer." - Leilan, Student