Sonoma County Office of Education

Blog: Technology for Learners: Symposium Provides Insight on iPads in K-12 Learning

Symposium Provides Insight on iPads in K-12 Learning

Author: Rick Phelan
Published: 03.26.13

iPadiPad tablets present new ways for students to engage and interact in learning. The Apple Store currently has over 20,000 educational apps that range from early learning skills for toddlers to advanced mathematics resources for graduate students. Digital textbooks on the iPad offer new avenues to learning through interactive images, 3D graphics, and accessible text. Authoring tools support writing, music composition, drawing, and multimedia presentations. It’s easy to see why many schools are excited about integrating this tool into school learning environments.

On April 10, the Sonoma County Office of Education is hosting an iPad Symposium that features sessions on how to deploy and use the iPad in K-12 learning environments. Here’s a look at the day’s schedule.

Keynote Presentations

10:00am-12:00pm | How to Deploy, Manage and
Support iOS Devices Using a Variety of Tools & Solutions

  • Apple systems engineer James Brennan will provide IT administrators with knowledge about how to deploy iPads and manage them for student use. Topics will include configuring and deploying iOS devices with Apple Configurator, managing updates and software deployment, configuring security on the devices for network connections, device lock, and remote erase.

1:00-1:50pm | iPads for Teaching and Learning

  • Kathy Schrock,, will share her perspectives on 21st century teaching and learning with iPads. Participants will be guided through a variety of iPad applications that target each cognitive level of Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy (2000). She will also highlight formative and summative assessment utilizing the iPad, and discuss synchronous and asynchronous collaboration, teacher-to-student and student-to-student.

Breakout Sessions

From 2:00 to 3:30pm, there will be a variety of 30-minute mini sessions. Below is a partial listing of the sessions that will be offered.

  • Recording and Editing Audio on the iPad | Kathy Schrock
    The iPad has powerful recording and editing abilities. Find out about apps and get classroom lesson ideas.
  • iPads for All | Debra Wilcox
    There are many built-in features on an iPad that accommodate learning disabilities and help improve productivity and academic performance in reading proficiency, writing, spelling, and more. Get acquainted with these features and apps at this session.
  • iBooks: New Media for Learning and Sharing | Joan Easterday
    Think about options for using iBook authoring tools at this session. Joan will share samples of digital textbooks she and others have made in Project LEAD using iBooksAuthor.
  • Apps for sharing files between iPads | Kathy Schrock
    Learn effective strategies for managing iPad files. Find out about apps that allow for easy sharing among all your electronic devices.
  • Creating Music with the iPad | Dave Chosa
    Your iPad has amazing musical abilities! Participants will have hands-on opportunities to be part of an iPad “jam-session.”
  • Apps for creating digital stories on the iPad | Kathy Schrock
    Learn about apps that invite creativity and communication through story telling.
  • Lessons from Sixth Grade Charter School | Danna Rocca & Danny Bever
    Find out about key elements of a successful one-to-one iPad program now in its second year.
  • Calistoga Cross-Age Tutoring Program | Lindsay Olsen & Martha McCoy
    Teachers from Calistoga Elementary will share how they are using iPads to support development of academic skills through a cross age tutoring program between upper grade students and kindergarteners.

Attend this Event

Costs for this activity are underwritten by SCOE and the California Technology Assistance Project (CTAP). Register to attend through the SCOE website:

Morning Session: Deployment & iOS Management
Afternoon Session: iPads for Teaching & Learning

Blog: Technology for Learners

Amie Carter, Sonoma County Superintendent
"The mission of the Sonoma County Office of Education is to foster student success through service to schools, students, and the community." - Amie Carter, Sonoma County Superintendent