Sonoma County Office of Education

Blog: Technology for Learners: Six Key Elements for School Technology

Six Key Elements for School Technology

Author: Rick Phelan
Published: 03.04.13

Six Key Elements Why is technology successful in some schools but not in others? My view observing schools over the last 20 years in Sonoma County focuses on six elements that underpin technology effectiveness. Each element needs to be in place; missing factors challenge a school system’s ability to use technology effectively.

The six key factors for success with technology in schools are:

  1. Professional Development: School staff members have ongoing options learning how to integrate technology in their practice. Formal and informal opportunities exist that address both hardware and software operation, pedagogies and new technologies.
  2. Access to Technology: Students and staff have ready access to technology. School facilities and infrastructure support productivity, information access, and communication. Situations where students need to interrupt thinking or work until a specified lab time because technology is not available in a classroom are cause for concern.
  3. Focus on Student Learning: Student work with technology is articulated with a school’s academic outcomes. Technology promotes student access and expression across disciplines in accordance with individual needs and learning styles. Digital materials are recognized as essential curriculum elements along with books, paper, and pencils.
  4. Administrative Advocacy: The school district administration uses their authority to implement district and site technology plans through the allocation of time and resources. Trustees, principals, business officers, curriculum directors, and the superintendent have a common vision for technology in learning and act to make the vision a reality.
  5. Support for the Work of Staff: Technology supports staff productivity, information management, communication, and professional development. Teacher collaboration and communication are supported through electronic professional learning networks. Applications of technology increase the amount of time staff can work purposefully with students.
  6. Maintenance & Service: Site technology is reliable, in good repair, and optimized for maximum performance. Problems with essential equipment are remedied quickly.

How does your school or district fair with each of the six key factors? Why are some areas better than others? How can they be improved? Intentional school technology planning with the six key factors in mind can help solve problems. Check out the following technology planning resources to help improve the use and application of technology in your district:

Technology Planning Resource
CTAP Tech Plan Builder

Blog: Technology for Learners

Amie Carter, Sonoma County Superintendent
"The mission of the Sonoma County Office of Education is to foster student success through service to schools, students, and the community." - Amie Carter, Sonoma County Superintendent