Sonoma County Office of Education

Blog: Technology for Learners: Help with Early Assessment Program Advisement

Help with Early Assessment Program Advisement

Author: Rick Phelan
Published: 10.08.15

high school senior High school students who understand California’s Early Assessment Program (EAP) can use results to save themselves time and money as they plan ahead for the future.  The EAP is a collaborative effort among the State Board of Education, the California Department of Education and the California State University. The program was established to provide students with opportunities to measure their readiness for college-level English and mathematics in their junior year of high school, and to facilitate opportunities for them to improve their skills during their senior year. High school counselors, administrators, and teachers can use EAP results for advisement and scheduling efforts supporting their students’ transition to college.

 The EAP for the 2014-15 school year was administered to California eleventh grade students through the Smarter Balanced Consortium (SBAC) English Language Arts and mathematics summative assessments. The SBAC is one element in the state’s assessment system known formally as the California Assessment of Student Progress and Performance (CAASPP).

 2015 11th Grade SBAC score levels for English language arts and mathematics can be interpreted as follows:

SBAC Level 4 Standard Exceeded= Ready

A status of “STANDARD EXCEEDED” means a student is READY to enroll directly in college level English and/or math courses upon entry at a CSU. Students with Level 4 scores in English are not required to take the CSU’s English Placement Test.  Students with Level 4 in math are not asked to take the CSU Entry Level Math exam.

SBAC Level 3 Standard Met= Conditionally Ready

A status of “STANDARD MET” means a student is “CONDITIONALLY READY” and must complete one of the approved senior year-long English and/or math courses prior to enrolling at a CSU. Completing an approved senior year course with a grade of “C” or better will exempt the student from the CSU Early Start Program.

SBAC Level 2 Standard Nearly Met & SBAC Level 1 Standard Not Met= Not Ready

A status of “ STANDARD NEARLY MET” or “NOT MET” means a student is NOT READY at this time to take English and/or math college level courses upon admission to the CSU. Therefore, a student must take the CSU English and/or math placement tests prior to enrollment. Not being ready for college level courses does not mean a student is not eligible to apply and be admitted to the CSU.

The California State Universities working with the California Department of Education have created the following publications. Materials seek to promote understanding of the Early Assessment Program among high school students and staff.

Your Guide to College Readiness | EAP Flyer for Seniors- PDF

Are You Ready for College Level English and Math? EAP Flyer for Juniors- PDF


Blog: Technology for Learners

Susie Truelove, SCOE HR Analyst
"Everyone at SCOE has the focus that what we do is to support students, directly or indirectly." - Susie Truelove, SCOE HR Analyst