New LCFF State Priorities Snapshot
Author: Rick Phelan
Published: 08.30.15
A new tool to help California K-12 public school districts and charter schools graphically display key data elements from their Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) metrics is now available. Called the LCFF State Priorities Snapshot, this report allows educators, parents, and communities access to a report with local district data and comparison information.
The State Priorities Snapshot was developed in response to passage of the 2013–14 Budget Act and implementation of Local Control Accountability Plans in California public schools. The report contains three years of LCFF data elements based on three state priority areas:
- Student Achievement
- Student Engagement
- School Climate
Each of the three state priority areas is distinguished by its own background color and displays data elements such as graduation rate, English learner reclassification rate, and performance on the Early Assessment Program. The report also contains district and state level data for comparison purposes, as well as demographic information.
Viewers may select from two report types:
- local educational agency (LEA) or school-level reports
a full summary report which covers data at both the LEA/school and student group-levels
Access the LCFF State Priorities Snapshot
Learn more about State Accountability Metrics in Transition