Sonoma County Office of Education

21C Blog: Videos from the reMAKE Education Summit

Videos from the reMAKE Education Summit

Author: Matt O'Donnell
Published: 09.06.16

Last month, 250 educators from around the country came to 180 Studios in Santa Rosa, California for the first annual reMAKE Education Summit.  Here are the videos from the general session keynotes. 

Dale Dougherty - Founder & Executive Chairman, Maker Media, Inc.

Walt Engelund NASA Langley's Director for Space Technology & Exploration

Dr. Kathryn Jurik - Transitional Kindergarten Teacher, Healdsburg Elementary


Adam Maltese - Professor of Science Education, Indiana University


Michael Stone - Albert Einstein Fellow, National Science Foundation


Michelle Carlson - CEO, Future Development Group


Seena Pourzand and Nishant Jain - Students at Amador Valley High School



Steffen Kuehr - Founder & CEO, TekTailor, Inc.



Carl Bass - CEO, Autodesk and Jeff Tiedeken - Autodesk Artist in Residence & Founder of Monkey Likes Shiny


21C Blog

Susie Truelove, SCOE HR Analyst
"Everyone at SCOE has the focus that what we do is to support students, directly or indirectly." - Susie Truelove, SCOE HR Analyst