Sonoma County Office of Education

Aiming High Briefs

Aiming High Briefs

Published between 2005 and 2010, the Aiming High Briefs focused on strategies for improving instruction for English Learners and provided resources for implementation and further study.

Student and Teacher

Monitoring Language Proficiency | Jan-Feb 2010 Formative assessment strategies in instructional programs for English learners are explored in this Aiming High Brief. This Formative Assessment Recording Tool (pdf) is referenced in the Brief.



EL Students

Developing Language Objectives | Jan-Feb 2009This Aiming High Brief on developing language objectives is accompanied by a video showing a kindergarten ELD lesson developed and taught with overt language goals. Two sample lesson plans are also provided: Kindergarten ELD Lesson Plan (pdf) and Grade 3 Science SDAIE Lesson Plan (pdf)





Using Formative Assessment to Monitor Language Proficiency | Jan-Feb 2010
School Talk: Communicating with the Parents of English Learners | Nov 2009
Structuring Language Instruction for Stalled English Learners | Not available

Developing & Delivering Lessons with Overt Language Objectives | Jan-Feb 2009
School & Classroom Structures for ELD | Oct 2008
Using Research to Improve EL Achievement | Dec 2007
Is it Time for a Newcomer Program? | May 2007
Structuring Effective ELD Instruction, Tonya Ward Singer | May 2007

Deconstructing Language, Vanessa Girard & Pam Spycher | Mar 2007
Effective Instruction for English Learners, Margarita Calderón | Oct 2006
Making Mathematics Accessible to English Learners | Apr 2006
Providing Language Instruction, Susana Dutro | Jan 2006
Teaching Academic Vocabulary, Kate Kinsella | Nov 2005

Preparing for Effective Vocabulary Instruction, Kate Kinsella | Oct 2005
Designs for Learning: The Story of Success | Apr 2005
AVID, Advancement Via Individual Determination | Mar 2005
Thinking Maps: Strategy-Based Learning | Feb 2005
Role of Language in Academic Development | Jan 2005

Susie Truelove, SCOE HR Analyst
"Everyone at SCOE has the focus that what we do is to support students, directly or indirectly." - Susie Truelove, SCOE HR Analyst