Sonoma County Office of Education

21st Century Learning

The structures and practices employed in most schools today are largely based on assumptions and demands from a much earlier time and a very different world. Classes typically last about an hour. Mobile devices are required to be turned off during school time. Student learning happens primarily in classrooms, sitting in rows, studying discrete subjects. And for the most part, students come to school to learn and teachers come to school to teach. But there's no reason to assume that these schools still meet the needs of today's learners.​ Which is why we need to think deeply and critically about the systems, structures, and practices in place to educate today’s students for tomorrow’s world.​ Challenging our assumptions and identifying the changing needs of 21st Century learners is the first step in transforming learning in our classrooms, schools and districts. SCOE’s 21st Century Learning Team offers support, resources, and professional learning opportunities that promote shifts in teaching and learning to foster increased student agency, greater student engagement, hands-on learning, and authentic learning experiences connected to the world beyond schools.

Upcoming Professional Development

Any upcoming classes will be listed here.

Two Videos on 21st Century Learning Initiatives

View our latest videos!




Maker Certificate Program at SSU | Working with maker educators from throughout the Bay Area and with support from Maker Media, Inc., Sonoma State University and the Sonoma County Office of Education have collaborated to create the Maker Certificate Program, the first such program of its kind.Learn more...

North Bay Maker Educator Meetups
Maker Educator Meetups (MEMs) are an opportunity to meet with like minded educators and learn from one another. The goals of the monthly meetups (alternating between Sonoma and Marin counties) are support, networking, and equity — bringing design and making to all youth.

Design Thinking Toolkit for Educators | IDEO’s Design Thinking Toolkit for Educators, co-authored by ieSonoma 2014 panelist Annette Diefenthaler, can be accessed online.

Technology for Learners | Link
This section of the SCOE website outlines some of the resources and services available to schools that are using electronic tools in the classroom and integrating technology in the learning process.

Student in Make Class

Maker Education (:30) | May 2015 This 30-second public service announcement describes how schools are shaping the next generation of innovators and inventors through Maker Education programs.


Dan Blake

21st Century Learning Featured (4:32) | April 2014 Dan Blake, SCOE director of innovation and partnerships, discusses 21st century learning in this Comcast Newsmakers interview.


Comstock Students

21st Century Teaching and Learning (:30) | Sept 2013 This is a 30-second public service announcement (PSA) on SCOE’s initiative to support 21st century teaching and learning.



Questions may be directed to:

  • Dan Blake, Managing Director, Educational Support Services
    (707) 524-2780,
  • Matt O'Donnell, ESS Curriculum Specialist
    (707) 524-8419,
  • Casey Shea, Program Coordinator - Expanded Learning
    (707) 524-2810,