Sonoma County Office of Education

Maker Education

Maker Education

Local maker education expert Casey Shea serves as SCOE’s Curriculum Coordinator for Maker Education. He is available to provide hands-on workshops, on-site trainings, guidance for creating maker spaces, and suggestions for simple Maker projects to get students started.

Shea previously taught mathematics and Project Make at Analy High School in Sebastopol. He worked closely with Dale Dougherty and Maker Media in 2011-12 and helped create the first-ever Project Make class in the country. The Analy High program is now a national model for maker education.

The goal of maker education is to create opportunities for young people to develop confidence, creativity, and interest in science, technology, engineering, math, art, and learning as a whole through “making.” Shea’s background makes him ideally suited to support local educators interested in this increasingly popular field.

Maker News

Maker Education Meetups
Maker Educator Meetups (MEMs) are an opportunity to meet with like-minded educators so we can learn from each other. The goals of MEMs are support, networking, and equity—bringing design and making to all youth. During these monthly meetups, we will share with each other, provide support, network, and maybe even do a little making.

SCOE experts provide PD around the country
SCOE's maker education team continue to lead the way in maker education around the country. Casey Shea will be at the Pittsburgh Fab Institute teaching 200 teachers from 10 different states the joys of learning to code using the microbit during the summer of 2018. Then, he and science coordinator Anna Van Dordrecht will be running a Maker Educator Bootcamp for 75 teachers from 26 states at Indiana University as part of the Infosys Pathfinders program.

Summer Watch List: Maker TV
In your free time this summer, get inspired by watching some of the best maker TV shows of all time. Casey's favorite is The Secret Life of Machines.

NASA sign welcomes SCOESCOE's Leadership in Maker Education Grows
SCOE's leadership position in maker education continues to grow, with SCOE hosting its second annual national conference on maker education, presenting at the NASA Langley Research Center, and joining the ranks of 15 maker education hubs around the country. Learn more about these new honors and opportunities at this link.


Maker pubSCOE Efforts Highlighted by National Organization
This article in MakerPromise celebrates SCOE's many efforts to be a leader in maker education, including creating a design lab housed at the county office, hiring a maker coordinator, hosting a county-wide STEAM Showcase, and much more.


Maker Group A Recipe for Creating Your Maker Personal Learning Network
A Maker-centered PLN is the perfect dish, chock full of the essential 21st century “food groups” of creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration. Read more in this edSurge article by Casey Shea ...

Casey SheaBlog: Maker Education
This blog offers ideas and resources to support school programs that offer young people the opportunity to explore and develop interest in science, technology, engineering, math, art, and learning as a whole through making. Author Casey Shea worked closely with Dale Dougherty and Maker Media to create the first high school Make class in the country and now coordinates maker education at SCOE.

Project Guides & Ideas

USC School of Education Rossier Guide to Maker Education
This guide features nine articles such as How Maker Education is Impacting Student Cognition and How to Set up Your Makerspace to help teachers bring the maker movement into their classroom.

Community Science Network Project Page
This page has over 100 well-documented projects that use inexpensive and easy-to-source materials.

How to Smile
Here you’ll find hundreds of searchable math and science activities that can easily become Maker projects.

Look here for simple projects delivered in a comic-book style.

This site has a huge repository of user-generated projects.

Maker Camp YouTube Archives | 2014 | 2013 | 2012

Upcoming Orientation Sessions for the SCOE Design Lab

SCOE now has its own Design Lab where teachers can become familiar with Maker tools. Learn more at one of the upcoming orientation sessions listed below.


Professional Development

Maker Certificate Program at SSU

Site Support

Custom Services
Schools and districts can request site-specific Maker workshops or trainings by using SCOE’s Custom Services link above.
SCOE Design Lab
Trainings are also available in SCOE's Design Lab. Click the link above and navigate to the Using the Lab section to learn more.


What's Next for Maker Education?
MAKE STEAM: Giving Maker Education Some Context
Making It Real, June 2015 American School Board Journal
Project-Based Learning Through a Maker’s Lens


Questions may be directed to:

  • Casey Shea, Program Coordinator - Expanded Learning
    (707) 524-2810,