Sonoma County Office of Education

Five-Minute Film Festival Entries NEW

Five-Minute Film Festival Entries

Festival LogoThis year, SCOE hosted a new student event known as the Five-Minute Film Festival. This was an opportunity for K-12 students to demonstrate learning in a 21st century context and showcase their work in front of a community audience. To participate, students created short videos (up to five-minutes long) on the theme of “Growth” and submitted them to a SCOE for judging by a celebrity panel. The top 15 films debuted at the Festival on March 16. See #sonoma5 on Twitter and SCOE’s News Release for more information above the event and the three films earning special recognition.

All 110 films submitted are shown below. The top 15 appear first, followed by 95 other entries organized alphabetically by title. You can also use the Search box, above right, to search for a specific film.

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91 to 99 of 110 Prev Next
The Growth of a Greenhouse
By Dylan Wilcox and Caleb Matteri
Grade 7, Willowside Middle
The Growth of Basketball
By Danny Chidester, Adonis Gutierrez, and Brandon Botteri
Grade 7, Willowside Middle
The Growth of the Garden
By Mael Chevrolet
Grade 7, Willowside Middle
The Impact of the Gettysburg Address
By Omar Rodriguez and Andy Rosales
Grade 8, Healdsburg Junior High
The Life Cycle of an Eel
By Bradley Way
Grade 3, Schaefer Charter
The Life of a Tree
By Landon Matherly
Grade 3, Schaefer Charter
The Plant Protection
By Taylor Alcozer and Tristan Angus-Henry
Grade 4, Oak Grove Elementary
The Sakura Tree
By Tina Dang, Guiellermo Gonzalez, and Juan Martinez
Grade 4-5, Abraham Lincoln Elementary
The Second Amendment: The Good and the Bad
By Justin Brown
Grade 8, Healdsburg Junior High
91 to 99 of 110 Prev Next


  • Matt O'Donnell, ESS Curriculum Specialist
    (707) 524-8419,


Questions may be directed to:

  • Matt O'Donnell, ESS Curriculum Specialist
    (707) 524-8419,
Amie Carter, Sonoma County Superintendent
"The mission of the Sonoma County Office of Education is to foster student success through service to schools, students, and the community." - Amie Carter, Sonoma County Superintendent